2. Listen carefully for the sound of the kitty in the litterbox. It could mean she's leaving a tasty Beastie treat inside.
3. Lick your butt, then "kiss" people. They love that.
4. Eat anything on the ground, even if it's not food. Especially if it's not food.
5. Bark at anything that passes by the house. Even if it is a car. Or a stray leaf.
6. Play in the mud puddle and then wait to shake off until just...the right...time.
7. Pretend you don't notice the runner coming down the trail -- just up until the moment you LUNGE.
8. Find something stinky on the ground. Roll in it. Then maybe eat it.
9. Poop a second time on the walk, after the first clean-up bag is already tossed.
10. Bite the guests.